LISTA PROIECTELOR eTwinning derulate de profesorii și elevii de la Colegiul Național „Calistrat Hogaș”, Piatra-Neamț
Jurnal de proiect: L’École de l’égalité en scène 2021-2022
L’École de l’égalité en scène 2021-2022: Les Journees de portes ouvertes CNCH
L’École de l’égalité en scène 2021-2022: Spectacol
Revue de presse 1 Revue de presse 2 Revue de presse 3
Livrels (e-books): 1er VOLUME, 2e VOLUME
Petit inventaire d’activités du projet 1 Petit inventaire d’activités du projet 2 Formulaire d’enregistrement du projet CNCH
- Utilizarea aplicațiilor VR în implementarea proiectelor eTwinning – 27.01.2020
- Crearea proiectelor eTwinning de succes – 26.01.2020
- Utilizarea aplicațiilor de programare în implementarea proiectelor eTwinning – 24.01.2020
- Proiecte eTwinning în sala de clasă – 16.01.2020
- Code The Future Scratch Integration into Lessons – 13.01.2020
Projet francophone eTwinning 2019-2020 De la Terre à la Lune: journaux de bord 2020
A l’occasion du cinquantième anniversaire du premier pas sur la lune, les élèves de notre projet d’écriture créative s’inspirent du roman d’aventures et d’anticipation “De la Terre à la Lune” de Jules Verne pour rédiger collectivement des journaux de bord d’un voyage lunaire contemporain imaginaire. Sur le thème de la conquête spatiale, on va sensibiliser les élèves aux objectifs du développement durable et à la protection de notre planète, les inciter à se poser des questions sur l’avenir de notre monde, mais aussi à les faire inventer un nouveau monde idéal qui pourrait prendre forme sur la Lune. Pour plus de détails…
Revue de presse:
- https://www.stiri-neamt.ro/piatra-neamt-final-de-proiect-etwinning-si-lansare-de-carte-la-colegiul-calistrat-hogas/?fbclid=IwAR2nwHto07zrCpSoMWIu2OhPku1fyPyDfcgUoxGk7J31A6xIRWDo6ayzdZA
- https://www.ziarpiatraneamt.ro/final-de-proiect-etwinning-si-lansare-de-carte-la-c-n-calistrat-hogas-piatra-neamt-journaux-de-bord-de-la-terre-a-la-lune?fbclid=IwAR2T2DKvrzA-sS80dGT4sFFhOmfG_P-LgNdl8rPpxm_LjDI0R1srHhdxZac
Petit inventaire d’activités en classe FLE
Formulaire d’enregistrement du project CNCH
Biological mimic robotic coding and 3D modeling – 09.01.2020
We want to design robot toys that mimic the living features of living things in nature. For example, we will build robots that can go like worms. In the 3D solid modeling program, we will design cases for robots. We will print these cases to 3D printers.
STEAM OF COURSE – 20.12.2019
Development of respectful and responsible attitudes, critical thinking, decision – making skills relating to Internet use or online interaction grounded on the values of human rightsIncreased respect towards different cultures and languages in the cyberspaceImproved communicative competences in the foreign language. Creative final products (web site, ebook, video, song, story….)
VR Science Lab – 09.11.2019
The aim of project is to create Science Lab in Virtual reality. We will create online educational book with representative chemical experiments and physical laws and these experiments will be shown in vitual lab. The project ”VR Science Lab” is a cooperation among 5 schools from Czech Republic, Turkey, Romania, Spain and Croatia. The schools have the similar field of study, sharing toghether specialisations as ICT.
S.P.A.C.E. – 15.08.2019
The title of this project includes S-pace, P-eople, A-rt, C-ulture, E-nvironment so that integration of mentioned disciplines will be attained through the activities under which Space related points will be embedded and intertwined in collaborative and interactive pedagogies by means of Web 2.0 tools within the realm of 21st Century Skills.
Code the Future – 12.06.2019
Integrating innovative educational applications into our teaching and training activities has been inevitable in rapidly changining technology and information age. Continuous digitalization of our world requires our students to gain computational and analytical thinking skills. We want to implement a robotic coding Project to improve our students key competences such as digital skills, learning to learn, maths and science competences, creativitiy, entrepreneurship, innovative, social skills, self expression, and maket hem to be more productive in digital era.
Using outdoor activities to challenge, develop and promote entrepreneurship skills – 04.01.2019
Schools from Englang, Austria, Finland, Italy, Spain and Romania are creating a project together. Our objectives are: – To boost among the involved youngsters the experience of sharing their cultures, the challenges they face being different.
Be an Eco-citizen – 31.10.2018
Build an awareness campain about global warming studying the different ecological specificities of each regional area, understanding why it’s important to act against global warming.
Move your body and mind – healthy lifestyle for adolescents – 18.04.2018
With this partnership we aim to develop a meaningful and lasting partenership which will develop a mutual understanding of healthy lifestyles and the holistic ingredients to make a healthy adolescent.
Bioplastics: The Future Food Packaging? – 16.07.2017
Pollution and other environmental issues are a threat to life on Earth. It is time to make students aware of these problems and to encourage them to gain more knowledge about how to tackle these problems and find alternatives. Bioplastic packaging for food could be such a solution.